Saturday, January 24, 2009

Such great heights

I was searching for some wonderful shoes to justify the title of this email and nearly drew a blank: designers once again seem to have gone slightly bonkers. What happened to what Karl lagerfeld described as "the new modesty" in light of the global economic downturn? (In the same article he also said that he "throws money out of the window and it comes back in the door", and that "for me the bottom line is that there is no bottom line". Let's hope economic reality hits him between the eyes with all due dispatch.) Even normally sensible, even predictable designers like Louboutin have gone all Britney Spears.

Starting gently with some shoes from Gina: usually too frou-frou for me, but I wouldn't be ashamed to wear these: although I am still unsure about the deplorable über-wedge, compared to the first-year art projects masquerading as something wearable, viz. exhibits A, B and C below (which are tiny so I don't desecrate my blog too much) they are downright beautiful.

And then: the Deranged Collection, from Louboutin. Deliberately shrunken photographs so as to avoid offending the senses.

The problem with making red soles his trademark is that he'll never be able to deny that these monstrosities were his idea.


Anon Y Mouse said...

those poodle high heel booties are AWESOME!

Anon Y Mouse said...


Unknown said...

I'd wear the straw looking ones for sure...

KL is a complete burk tho. mind you I suppose that is what fashion's "for" in a sense....

Anonymous said...

Love the pink wedges - really not sure about the Yeti heels tho!

Mummy said...

In his defence, the last season Laboutins I bought are just about the sexiest things I own. Possibly because they don't have fringes on them!

LottieP said...

The pink shoes are great, MSS - I'm pretty pleased with these, too (also Gina). Or have I gone mad?