From the window of a taxi in Happy Valley: poor old Jude Law in a very uncomfortable-looking pair of "slacks", the latest in a highly risible campaign by Dunhill starring the man looking more ill at ease in every one. Look closely; he's perched on a canister, "reading" a "script", with, for no apparent reason, a pair of headphones at his feet.
Deke Writin
I have some sympathy for the poor dear, but the British press salivated over the robot gigolo to the point that he was anointed "the new Michael Caine" (queue "Alfie" remake). Conveniently forgetting they cordially loathed Caine when he first appeared, but nevermind. Caine made a Jaws film he confessed he never saw, "but I saw the house it bought, and it's beautiful".
So: all of that taken into account; would Maurice Micklewhite have done this?
I believe the answer to your question is No. In this case. The slacks are too tight, after all. But no doubt he advertised whisky in Japan, or, like Tommy Lee Jones, coffee in tins purveyed from roadside vending machines (also in Japan).
But look how uninterested TL Jones is! He may be whoring himself, but it is boring, it bores him, and he is letting us know. That is integrity, or it smacks of something that may have been in the same room once.
Bitchiness remorse. Cos, "The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada" directed by TLJ is very good. And I have enjoyed him in those films where he plays a man who is crotchety.
Hello Bhomik. Don't go to Nathan Road, make sure you don't get pushed into buying anything you don't want, take a list of retail prices with you for comparison, and look inside the box before you hand over your money.
The Wan Chai Computer Centre is probably the best place to go.
In reply to Bhomik's concerns about price rip offs, there is a shopping comparison site for Hong Kong electronics. It is called ShopCite ( and is available for your mobile ( so you have constant access to current prices while you are shopping.
I have some sympathy for the poor dear, but the British press salivated over the robot gigolo to the point that he was anointed "the new Michael Caine" (queue "Alfie" remake). Conveniently forgetting they cordially loathed Caine when he first appeared, but nevermind. Caine made a Jaws film he confessed he never saw, "but I saw the house it bought, and it's beautiful".
So: all of that taken into account; would Maurice Micklewhite have done this?
I make many of my decisions this way.
I believe the answer to your question is No. In this case. The slacks are too tight, after all. But no doubt he advertised whisky in Japan, or, like Tommy Lee Jones, coffee in tins purveyed from roadside vending machines (also in Japan).
"Boss is the most popular brand of these canned coffees, and therefore Tommy Lee Jones boring face can be found everywhere! is like a nightmare!"
I think I like this campaign better than the last one, though. And I like the one before that the best.
But look how uninterested TL Jones is! He may be whoring himself, but it is boring, it bores him, and he is letting us know. That is integrity, or it smacks of something that may have been in the same room once.
Bitchiness remorse. Cos, "The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada" directed by TLJ is very good. And I have enjoyed him in those films where he plays a man who is crotchety.
His disparaging remark about Bill Murray is rather unfair I feel.
Thinking about it, I'm not sure I've ever seen TLJ in a film where he didn't play a man who was crotchety.
Yes - neither Bill Murray nor TLJ could really be described as having boring faces. Quite the opposite.
Hey am from India an am on a tour to Hong Kong..., while Googling for information on Hongkong travel, foods, shopping I landed here.
Am a tourist in Hong Kong and seriously worried about getting ripped off while shopping, please suggest me about some good shopping centers.
Hello Bhomik. Don't go to Nathan Road, make sure you don't get pushed into buying anything you don't want, take a list of retail prices with you for comparison, and look inside the box before you hand over your money.
The Wan Chai Computer Centre is probably the best place to go.
For other recommendations, try Discover Hong Kong.
In reply to Bhomik's concerns about price rip offs, there is a shopping comparison site for Hong Kong electronics. It is called ShopCite ( and is available for your mobile ( so you have constant access to current prices while you are shopping.
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