Saturday, September 18, 2010

Vo Vo voom

At work this week, I attended a meeting of the managers of one of our government contracts. It took place in a drab government office with awkward chairs and yellowing sellotape still stuck to the wall from long-gone admonitory posters. The managers, who'd moved from Castlereagh Street bringing their giant desks with them, were apparently much more well behaved than usual because I was there; and to top it all off, someone had very thoughtfully bought a packet of Iced VoVos which were served on chipped plates. The Iced VoVo is an old-fashioned kind of biscuit, which was described to me as being "the kind of biscuit that old ladies have when you go round to see them". I'd never come across one before and was quite delighted with them - so much so that I ate four. It's a thin biscuit topped with a stripe of jam, banked by two strips of sprinkled coconut. Colourful, tasty, and satisfyingly old fashioned: coupled with the surroundings, I could have been in a meeting in 1975.


Anonymous said...

When i saw you i forgot to tell you how this entry nearly made me cry with a rush of childhood nostalgia - my great-grandmother gave us iced vo-vo everytime we visited her. I feel guilty now that at the age of 6, I thought them the highlight of the visit. Liz

LottieP said...

I like to think your great-grandmother wouldn't have minded that you were excited about the biscuits on offer.